Leonardo Vátfóður v/Høsnarunga & Amirant 400g

A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Cats, like their counterparts in the wild, are genuine carnivores. This is why we use only fresh meat products. Thanks to the high biological value of these products, your cat will need a comparatively small amount to meet its daily nutritional requirements.
SKU: 1100047
29,95 kr.
Availability: In stock


Kød og Animalske Biprodukter (65% Fjerkræ + Fjerkræbouillon 34%), Mineraler (1%)

Analytiske bestanddele:

Protein 10%, Fedt 5%, Råaske 2%, Råfibre 0,3%, Vand 80%

Tilsætningsstoffer Pr. kg:

Ernæringsfysiologiske tilsætningsstoffer:

Vitamin D3 200 I.E.; Vitamin E 50 mg; Taurin 1.000 mg; Mangan (Som Mangan(II)sulfat) 2 mg; Zink (Som Zinksulfat Monohydrat) 20 mg; Jod (Som Calciumiodid, Vandfri) 0,2 mg.

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