Aptus Multicat Tablettir 120 stk
Multicat er et vitamin- og mineraltilskud i tabletform, som indeholder ca. halvdelen af kattens daglige behov for vitaminer og mineraler ifølge NRCs* retningslinjer. Multicat anvendes for at sikre, at kattens daglige behov af vitaminer og mineraler er dækket. Tabletten er tilsat laksesmag, hvilket gør at de fleste katte spiser den frivilligt. Anvendelse: • Katte som spiser ensidig kost f.eks. udelukkende kød • Under sidste del af drægtigheden samt under diegivningsperioden • Ved mangeltilstande • Voksende killinger fra 3 ugers alderen.
Leonardo Vátfóður Kettling v/Høsnarunga 400g
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Cats, like their counterparts in the wild, are genuine carnivores. This is why we use only fresh meat products. Thanks to the high biological value of these products, your cat will need a comparatively small amount to meet its daily nutritional requirements.
Leonardo Vátfóður Til Kettling v/ Høsnarunga 85gr
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Excellent formulations in practical single portions. Juicy meat enhanced with clever ingredients is gently cooked in portion bags. Salmon oil supplies polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Dunnu & Osti 85gr
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Excellent formulations in practical single portions. Juicy meat enhanced with clever ingredients is gently cooked in portion bags. Salmon oil supplies polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Fiski & Rækjum 85gr
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Excellent formulations in practical single portions. Juicy meat enhanced with clever ingredients is gently cooked in portion bags. Salmon oil supplies polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Fiski 400g
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Cats, like their counterparts in the wild, are genuine carnivores. This is why we use only fresh meat products. Thanks to the high biological value of these products, your cat will need a comparatively small amount to meet its daily nutritional requirements.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Høsnarunga & Amirant 400g
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Cats, like their counterparts in the wild, are genuine carnivores. This is why we use only fresh meat products. Thanks to the high biological value of these products, your cat will need a comparatively small amount to meet its daily nutritional requirements.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Høsnarunga & Egg 85gr
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Excellent formulations in practical single portions. Juicy meat enhanced with clever ingredients is gently cooked in portion bags. Salmon oil supplies polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Høsnarunga 85gr
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Excellent formulations in practical single portions. Juicy meat enhanced with clever ingredients is gently cooked in portion bags. Salmon oil supplies polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Kanin 400g
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Cats, like their counterparts in the wild, are genuine carnivores. This is why we use only fresh meat products. Thanks to the high biological value of these products, your cat will need a comparatively small amount to meet its daily nutritional requirements.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Kanin 85gr
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Excellent formulations in practical single portions. Juicy meat enhanced with clever ingredients is gently cooked in portion bags. Salmon oil supplies polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Kjøti 85gr
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Excellent formulations in practical single portions. Juicy meat enhanced with clever ingredients is gently cooked in portion bags. Salmon oil supplies polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Livur 400g
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Cats, like their counterparts in the wild, are genuine carnivores. This is why we use only fresh meat products. Thanks to the high biological value of these products, your cat will need a comparatively small amount to meet its daily nutritional requirements.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Oksa 85gr
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Excellent formulations in practical single portions. Juicy meat enhanced with clever ingredients is gently cooked in portion bags. Salmon oil supplies polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Leonardo Vátfóður v/Síl & Catnip 85gr
A quality taste your cat will enjoy: Excellent formulations in practical single portions. Juicy meat enhanced with clever ingredients is gently cooked in portion bags. Salmon oil supplies polyunsaturated fatty acids.
OptimaNova Geld Ketta Sterilized v/Høsnarunga 2kg
Til alle steriliserede katte. Steriliseret har et lavere indhold og forskellig sammensætning af mineraler med henblik på at reducere risikoen for krystallisering af blæren. Optimal pH, hvilket modvirker dannelsen af urinvejssten.
OptimaNova Geld Ketta Sterilized v/Høsnarunga 8kg
Til alle steriliserede katte. Steriliseret har et lavere indhold og forskellig sammensætning af mineraler med henblik på at reducere risikoen for krystallisering af blæren. Optimal pH, hvilket modvirker dannelsen af urinvejssten.
OptimaNova Ketta v/Høsnarunga & Rís 2kg
Komplet foder til den voksne kat med et højt, naturligt indhold af fiber, der hjælper katten at forhindre hårboller og gøre så de let kan passere gennem fordøjelses-systemet. Kombineret med zink kan gendannelsen af huden og en sund og glansfuld pels understøttes
OptimaNova Ketta v/Høsnarunga & Rís 8kg
Komplet foder til den voksne kat med et højt, naturligt indhold af fiber, der hjælper katten at forhindre hårboller og gøre så de let kan passere gennem fordøjelses-systemet. Kombineret med zink kan gendannelsen af huden og en sund og glansfuld pels understøttes
OptimaNova Ketta v/Laksi & Rís 2kg
Lakse kød med høj smag til de meget kræsne katte. Høj smag sikrer at selv de mest kræsne katte, ikke undgår lugten og derved "snydes" til at spise!
OptimaNova Ketta v/Laksi & Rís 8kg
Lakse kød med høj smag til de meget kræsne katte. Høj smag sikrer at selv de mest kræsne katte, ikke undgår lugten og derved "snydes" til at spise!